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You are here » hacxx Underground » Databases » EuropeFx 2022 Forex FTD Depositor Dumped Database

EuropeFx 2022 Forex FTD Depositor Dumped Database

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EuropeFx 2022 Forex FTD Depositor Dumped Database   

Database is fully cleaned verified by VOIP and SMPT server. For data preview click here - https://prnt.sc/5bBkWpSVXgJi . Only authentic buyer inbox me at Telegram @irfan_sadik
Crypto database is also available.

✅Data Source: SQL DUMP.

✅ Database information :

Header: user_id, email_address, user_first_name, user_last_name, user_phone, user_address, user_city, user_state, user_country, user_zip_code, Total Deposit, user_transaction_datetime, pb_lead, pb_ftd, bot_enabled, bot_active, bot_trades, bot_risk, bot_amount, cmp_name

Country: Mixed Europe countries

✅ File extension : SQL file

✅ File delivery : CSV in Telegram



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